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Release Notes

October 28, 2021
Updated Slack Integration for Notebooks

The updated Slack integration for Abstract Notebooks automatically shares notifications for notebook reviews to one or more of your Slack channels of choice, and unfurls Notebook links pasted into Slack.

July 15, 2021
Resolve comments

Notebooks Contributors can now resolve individual comments made by themselves or others within a Notebook to indicate that the comment does not require further conversation.

June 30, 2021
Link Content Back to Figma

Get back to your original Figma file right from your notebook. Users can now link a Figma frame to a file, and Abstract will link all frames from that file across the organization.

Learn more here.

June 23, 2021
Paste images into Notebooks

Paste Images

  • Users can now paste images from their clipboards into their notebooks - no more saving content to your desktop!

Branches Pro administration

  • Updated billing plans to include Branches Pro plan.  New Branches organizations can now self-administer and select this plan, which allows unlimited Contributor seats to be added.

June 15, 2021
Project and template updates

Improved Notebook Template Selection

  • We've improved the experience to select a template when you create a notebook.

Project naming conventions

  • Changed project naming conventions to remove restriction on project name uniqueness.

June 8, 2021
Interactive images

* Elevated static images to behave in the same way as imported artboards - users can now double-click to see the detail view and add comments and annotations to new images.

May 18, 2021
Notebooks Open Preview

Figma and Sketch plugin updates

  • Only show projects with notebooks that you can make updates to.
  • (Sketch only) Adds support for dark mode.

Jira integration

  • A new Jira integration connects design and development work together in a Notebook.
  • See the status, priority, ticket name, and last updated date of Jira ticket links inside Notebooks.

New onboarding experience

  • New users will now see a pre-made Notebook in a private project, walking them through the key features and capabilities of Notebooks.

Comment edit indicators

  • If a comment it edited and updated, users will see the text (edited) inline with their comment.

Moving Notebooks between projects

  • When needed, users can now change which project their Notebooks lives in to better organize their work.

Activity timeline

  • The series of Notebook updates, reviews, and comments are available by clicking the activity icon in the upper right corner of the Notebook. Activities include the user making the change as well as the time it occurred and repeated events are consolidated into a single activity.
  • For example, if you left 5 comments in a notebook, 1 comment activity will be logged to note that you've left 5 comments. Activities will be rolled up for Notebook content updates, frame additions and updates, and when adding reviewers.
April 26, 2021
Weekly Insights email

This week, we began sending a weekly email which gives an overview of Notebook activity in each organization. The email includes:

  • Notebooks that require attention (because of outstanding reviews, inactivity, or a notable change in status)
  • Most active notebooks in the last week
  • General activity counts in the last week (Notebooks opened/closed, and Reviews opened/closed)
April 9, 2021
Annotated comments

Create focused comments and collaborate using annotations on imported Figma/Sketch frames

  • Click [A] for a quick shortcut to create either a single-point or rectangular annotation.
  • On/off toggle to temporarily hide annotations from view.
  • Click an annotation box to scroll its associated comment into view.
  • Edit an annotation after you’ve submitted your comment by editing the comment.
March 26, 2021
Comments in reviews

We've added the ability to post comments in review threads, making each review more interactive and iterative

  • Any Contributor can comment in a review thread without having been requested for a review.
  • Requested reviewers are able to comment and optionally submit their review as Approved or Changes Requested.
March 12, 2021
Sketch plugin for Notebooks now available

We’ve released a new Sketch Plugin which integrates directly with Notebooks.

  • Add and arrange designs directly from Sketch into beautiful presentations that display your work and the context behind it.
  • Access all your Notebooks from within Sketch, and publish any artboards or components you’ve worked on in one click.
  • Update all your work in Notebooks in a single click, without leaving Sketch or having to rearrange or recreate presentations of your work for review.
July 23, 2024

Bug Fixes & Updates

  • Various dependencies update to ensure better performance and security
  • Fixed bug causing certain menus to flicker in desktop app
  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
May 27, 2024

Dependencies Updates

  • Enhanced the Abstract SDK's file export functionality to handle special characters. This update ensures more robust and reliable file handling across various naming conventions
  • Implemented various bug fixes and stability improvements
February 1, 2024

Dependencies Updates

  • We have updated various dependencies to ensure better performance and security. This helps in maintaining the app's robustness and reliability.

Security Updates

  • Fixed potential security vulnerability which could have allowed arbitrary code execution in the application.
December 13, 2023

Fixed Issue: In version 98.3 of our web and desktop apps, users encountered a glitch where clicking on active branches within a Project page did not redirect to the branch details page. With this update, we've reinstated the functionality found in previous versions. Now, clicking on a branch will smoothly take you to its details page.

November 28, 2023

Dependencies Updates

  • We have updated various dependencies to ensure better performance and security. This helps in maintaining the app's robustness and reliability.

Improved Compatibility with Older Sketch Versions

  • Understanding the diverse needs of our users, this update includes improved compatibility with older versions of Sketch. Now, users working on different versions of Sketch can experience seamless integration with our app.

Updated Emojis Library

  • Emojis are a fun and integral part of digital communication. We've updated our emojis library to include the latest emojis, ensuring you have access to a wide range of expressions for your creative work.
August 2, 2023

This version includes minor bug fixes and performance improvements

June 9, 2023

User experience improvements, performance enhancements, and bug fixes*

* Bug fix to note: solved an issue where new team members could not be added as Guests or Viewers  due to "not having enough contributor seats". This was illogical, as Guests & Viewers don't require paid contributor seats in order to be added to organizations.

FYI: this update will need to be installed "manually" as per the below:

  1. Click on Abstract in the Apple menu bar, usually located at the top of your screen.
  2. Click Restart and Install Update.
  3. Your app will restart, and you now have the latest version.  

March 15, 2023

Performance upgrades and bug fixes

February 22, 2023

This version includes minor bug fixes and performance improvements

February 7, 2023

Compatibility with new Sketch version 95.2

January 25, 2023

This version includes security updates and minor bug fixes